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Wheat Zoomer

Wheat Zoomer


As gluten- and wheat-sensitivity become better recognized in the medical community, the need for accurate and highly sensitive testing to identify affected individuals has grown. Vibrant’s answer is the Wheat ZoomerTM.


1 in 7 individuals in the United States has a wheat-related disorder.


The Wheat ZoomerTM aids in the specific recognition of antibodies to wheat peptides – including gluten and non-gluten components, along with antibodies that indicate the presence of intestinal permeability. It is also a highly sensitive peptide-based array designed to detect autoimmune reactions to gluten.


Not Available in New York state
Only healthcare providers licensed in their state may order laboratory testing.

  • Symptoms

    Symptoms and conditions associated with wheat and/or gluten sensitivity include:

    • Digestive discomfort/IBS
    • Low vitamin D levels
    • Difficulty concentrating or “brain fog”
    • Low energy levels/fatigue
    • Intestinal permeability (“leaky gut syndrome”)
    • Skin inflammation (eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis)
    • Chronic headaches or migraines
    • Weight gain/weight loss
    • Joint pain or numbness in the legs, arms, or fingers
  • Markers Measured

    • All known deamidated gliadins
    • Alpha, alpha-beta, gamma and omega gliadin
    • HMW and LMW glutenin family
    • Zonulin protein
    • Anti-zonulin
    • Anti-actin
    • Anti-lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
    • tTG-DGP Fusion Peptides
    • Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA)
    • Differential transglutaminase: 2, 3 and 6
    • Wheat IgE antibodies (for wheat allergies)
    • Non-gluten wheat proteins
      • Farinins
      • Globulins
      • Serpins
      • Amylase/Protease Inhibitors
    • Total IgA and IgG
  • FAQs

    What medications can interfere with the Wheat ZoomerTM  test results?

    As with all antibody testing, immunosuppressant and corticosteroid drugs can reduce antibody production and cause false negative results. A patient should ask their pharmacist if their prescribed medications are immunosuppressant or steroid-class medications. If so, it is recommended to wait 30-60 days (immune-response is individually variable) after completing the prescription for it to clear the system and allow the normal production of antibodies. This is required for accurate antibody measuring. Do not stop these medications without instructions from your prescribing doctor. A list of immunosuppressive drugs can also be found here:
    Inhalers can affect test results. Wait two weeks after completion of the inhalant dosage before collecting the specimen. Do not stop these medications without instructions from your prescribing doctor.

    Certain infections can interfere with test results.
    For best assessment, it is important for a physician to evaluate total immunoglobulins (total IgG and total IgA) to determine a patient’s baseline immunoglobulin production and thus accuracy of a patient’s antibody response. Total IgG and total IgA are available on the Vibrant Wheat ZoomerTM.

    Does the patient need to be actively eating gluten to run the Wheat ZoomerTM?

    Our Vibrant Clinical Team does not recommend a “gluten challenge” to a patient who is already aware they have adverse symptoms driven by gluten. However, with any antibody testing, if the antigen (in this case gluten or other peptides in wheat) has been removed for a significant amount of time (variable amongst individuals), the body will no longer mount an IgA/IgG antibody response and will render an antibody test as a “false negative”. Such is the case with our Wheat ZoomerTM test.

    However, the Wheat ZoomerTM looks at more than gluten and wheat antigens, and if a patient is still experiencing symptoms, it would be helpful to look at the intestinal permeability (“leaky gut”) panel from the Wheat ZoomerTM. Also, many of our practitioners find that running a Wheat ZoomerTM can demonstrate a person’s true compliance in following a gluten or wheat free diet. As we know, it’s extremely difficult to eliminate gluten 100%, and often patients will be obtaining gluten from a hidden source unknown to them and will produce an antibody response. Research suggests that a single exposure from gluten can elevate antibodies anywhere from 2-6 months in a person (and this varies individually). Therefore, while the Wheat ZoomerTM does hold a little more clinical utility and direction if a person is actively consuming gluten, there is still useful insight in an already gluten-free patient

    What is the distinction between IgG and IgA antibodies?

    A primary piece to understanding antibodies is their area of origin. IgA antibodies are produced by saliva, tears, and mucous linings in the lungs and the intestines. IgG antibodies are the most abundant in serum and are produced by almost every cell in the body. IgG antibodies can cross the placenta.

    These antibodies also have considerably different half-lives. IgA antibodies have a half-life of ~6 days. Elevated IgA antibodies indicate exposure 8-12 days ago. The half-life of IgG is much longer and individually variable and can indicate prolonged exposure/sensitivity.

    IgA antibodies are produced by the intestinal mucosa as a defense mechanism. If IgA antibodies are elevated to a particular protein (antigen), this can indicate an immune response to mucosal irritation or damage. Elevated IgG antibodies means that there is exposure of these foods to the bloodstream and the body is producing antibodies.

    Specific to celiac disease, tissue transglutaminase IgA is a definitively diagnostic biomarker, whereas IgG is not.

    In terms of food sensitivities and intestinal autoimmune disease, IgG antibodies can occur as a consequence of and can be downstream to intestinal permeability. These are likely correlated with more systemic immune responses (brain fog, fatigue, skin, migraines, etc). Vibrant Wellness does not measure IgG subclasses.

    As with all immunoglobulin testing, it is important to evaluate the person’s baseline levels of (total) IgA and IgG. These biomarkers are included in the Vibrant Wheat ZoomerTM.

    Can I use the Wheat ZoomerTM in the pediatric population?

    Yes! The Wheat ZoomerTM has been validated in the pediatric population effective May 2018. If a Wheat ZoomerTM is ordered on a person under age 18, the test report will automatically be adjusted to reflect the pediatric reference ranges.

    Is fasting required for the Wheat ZoomerTM test?

    Fasting status will not influence antibody results and the majority of the Wheat ZoomerTM measures antibodies to antigens specific for celiac disease and gluten/non-gluten wheat peptides. Fasting status may influence serum zonulin levels (the Wheat ZoomerTM measures both serum zonulin and zonulin antibodies). Serum zonulin can elevate following a meal, particularly a meal containing gluten, and then can remain elevated for ~6-8 hours.

    Are certain foods that are thought to be “cross reactive” with gluten likely to influence the Wheat ZoomerTM results?

    The Vibrant Wheat ZoomerTM is a peptide level microarray platform, where IgG and IgA antibodies are measured against wheat peptides. Because peptides in foods are highly specific to the food from which they are derived, they cannot induce “cross reactivity” or be confused by the immune system for another food protein.

    When should I re-test after doing the Wheat ZoomerTM test and going off gluten/wheat?

    It is ideal to avoid wheat/gluten for at least 4 months prior to the next test, however, for economic and/or other reasons, it may be more suitable to wait 6 months to a year prior to doing another Wheat ZoomerTM test.

    My Vibrant Food SensitivityTM results show no reaction to wheat, but my Wheat ZoomerTM shows a reaction to wheat. Are my results wrong?

    While our Food SensitivityTM test is run on our microchip platform and has great reproducibility (the highest in the industry), it is a protein level antibody test. This is different than our Wheat ZoomerTM, where we have synthesized the entire wheat proteome at the peptide level. Thus, the Wheat ZoomerTM is such a magnified look at how our immune system can react to wheat, there’s no way looking at a single “wheat” protein antigen can offer that same view.

    Why should my patient with autoimmune disease have a Wheat ZoomerTM done when they have no GI symptoms?

    15-20% of people with celiac disease have no GI symptoms. However, because of villous atrophy, they are not absorbing nutrients efficiently, so their condition may worsen or they may develop another autoimmune disease if root causes such as gluten or wheat sensitivity, celiac disease, or intestinal permeability are not addressed.”

  • About Test

    The Wheat ZoomerTM requires a blood draw and fasting for at least 8 hours prior to your draw is recommended, but not required.

    Comprehensive antibody recognition will simultaneously identify any of the conditions which may be associated with gluten and/or wheat, to include:

    • Intestinal permeability (“leaky gut syndrome”)
    • Celiac disease
    • Wheat allergy
    • Wheat germ agglutinin-related vitamin D deficiencies
    • Gluten ataxia and other neurological symptoms
    • Dermatitis/eczema (skin-related disorders)
    • Gluten sensitivity
    • Wheat sensitivity
  • Resources


    Alessio Fasano.Zonulin and Its Regulation of Intestinal Barrier Function: The Biological Door to Inflammation,Autoimmunity, and Cancer.
    This review talks about the increased interest in the role of a “leaky gut” in the pathogenesis of several pathological conditions targeting both the intestine and extra intestinal organs.

    Silvia Pedreira Significance of smooth muscle/anti-actin autoantibodies in celiac disease.
    The study evaluates the clinical relevance of the presence of IgA type anti-actin antibody (AAA) and SMA in 92 adult patient with celiac disease. The results indicted the presence of increased IgA AAA serum levels is a highly sensitive marker of the disturbed architecture of intestinal epithelial cells of CD patients also the presence of SMA seems to define a distinct subset of CD patients with a more severe clinical outcome.

    Melanie Uhde, Mary et. al. Intestinal cell damage and systemic immune activation in individuals reporting sensitivity to wheat in the absence of coeliac disease.
    The study aims to determine if sensitivity to wheat in the absence of coeliac disease is associated with systemic immune activation that may be linked to an enteropathy.

    Karin de Punder and Leo Pruimboom. The Dietary Intake of Wheat and other Cereal Grains and Their Role in Inflammation.
    This review states the evidence from in vitro, in vivo and human intervention studies that describe how the consumption of wheat, other cereal grains, can contribute to the manifestation of chronic inflammation and autoimmune diseases by increasing intestinal permeability and initiating a pro-inflammatory immune response.

    L M Sollid, J Kolberg, H Scott, J Ek, O Fausa, and P Brandtzaeg. Antibodies to wheat germ agglutinin in coeliac disease.
    The study shows the celiac patients have significantly higher Serum IgG and IgA antibodies to wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) compared to the control group. Thus adding WGA as a potential biomarker for pathogenesis of CD.

    Alessio Fasano.Zonulin and Its Regulation of Intestinal Barrier Function: The Biological Door to Inflammation,Autoimmunity, and Cancer.
    This review talks about the increased interest in the role of a “leaky gut” in the pathogenesis of several pathological conditions targeting both the intestine and extra intestinal organs.

    Luca Elli, Federica Branchi, Carolina Tomba, Danilo Villalta, Lorenzo Norsa, Francesca Ferretti, Leda Roncoroni,and Maria Teresa Bardella. Diagnosis of gluten related disorders: Celiac disease, wheat allergy and non-celiac gluten sensitivity.
    The review article covers a complete overview of celiac disease, wheat allergy and non-celiac gluten sensitivity and its current clinical diagnosis.

    Chirdo FG, Rumbo M, Carabajal P, Mavromatópulos E, Castagnino N, Añón MC, Fossati CA. Determination of anti–gliadin antibodies in serologic tests for coeliac disease.
    The study compromised of 105 coeliac patients, 81 healthy controls, and 73 subjects in a disease control group to evaluate the efficacy of omega-gliadins to be a useful antigen in serologic detection of coeliac disease.

    Aristo Vojdani .The Characterization of the Repertoire of Wheat Antigens and Peptides Involved in the Humoral Immune Responses in Patients with Gluten Sensitivity and Crohn’s Disease.
    The study examines the humoral immune response to various wheat proteins and peptides in patients with gluten sensitivity or Crohn’s disease. In gluten-sensitive patients, IgG reacted most against transglutaminase, prodynorphin, wheat extract, and -, -, and -gliadin; IgA reacted most against wheat then transglutaminase, glutenin, and other peptides. In Crohn’s disease patients, IgG reacted most against wheat and wheat germ agglutinin then transglutaminase, prodynorphin, -, and -gliadin; IgA reacted foremost against prodynorphin then transglutaminase and -gliadin.

    G Salcedo, S Quirce, A Diaz-Perales. Wheat Allergens Associated with Baker’s Asthma.
    This review deals with the current diagnosis and immunomodulatory treatments, as well as the role of wheat allergens as molecular tools to enhance management and knowledge of Baker’s Astma.

    Frances M Dupont Deciphering the complexities of the wheat flour proteome using quantitative twodimensional electrophoresis, three proteases and tandem mass spectrometry.
    The study of wheat genome to identify the majority of abundant flour proteins for a single wheat cultivar, relate them to individual gene sequences and estimate their relative levels.

    SinaHuebener et. al. Specific Nongluten Proteins of Wheat are Novel Target Antigens in Celiac Disease Humoral Response.
    The study aims to investigate the level and molecular specificity of antibody response to wheat non gluten proteins in celiac disease. The results demonstrate that, in addition to the well-recognized immune reaction to gluten, celiac disease is associated with a robust humoral response directed at a specific subset of the no gluten proteins of wheat.

    Timo Reunala, Teea T. Salmi and KaisaHervonen. Dermatitis Herpetiformis: Pathognomonic Transglutaminase IgA Deposits in the Skin and Excellent Prognosis on a Gluten-free Diet.
    The study shows the coeliac disease in the gut appears to be a result of the IgA Epidermal transglutaminase antibody complexes aggregated into DH skin.

    Hull CM, Liddle M, Hansen N, Meyer LJ, Schmidt L, Taylor T, Jaskowski TD, Hill HR, Zone JJ. Elevation of IgAanti-epidermal transglutaminase antibodies in dermatitis herpetiformis.
    The study to determine the association between Dermatitis herpetiformis with IgA antibodies against TG2 and TG3. The results indicates IgA antibodies to TG3 are elevated in patients with DH and adults with Celiac disease.

    Gadoth A, Nefussy B, Bleiberg M, Klein T, Artman I, Drory VE. Transglutaminase 6 Antibodies in the Serum of Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
    The Study to evaluate the prevalence of celiac disease-related antibodies and HLA antigen alleles, as well as TG6 antibodies, in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and healthy individuals serving as controls to determine whether a neurologic presentation of a gluten-related disorder mimicking ALS might occur in some patients. The result indicates certain cases, an ALS syndrome might be associated with autoimmunity and gluten sensitivity and also study indicates gluten sensitivity is potentially treatable with strict gluten free diet.

    tTG/DGP Complex Panel
    Margherita Di Pisa Synthetic Peptides Reproducing Tissue TransglutaminaseGliadin Complex Neoepitopes as Probes for Antibody Detection in Celiac Disease Patients’ Sera.
    Sera from 48 CD patients were collected at the diagnosis before gluten-free diet (39 females, 9 males; age range 2.252 years). Two of 48 (4%) CD patients presented IgA deficiency. Analysis of patients’ subgroups established a possible clinical correlation not detected by established tests. These observations indicate that a neoepitope may be formed in CD patients’ sera under in vivo physiological conditions,by a covalent cross-link between tTG and deamidated gliadin peptides, and this neo-antigen may be specifically recognized by autoantibodies.

  • Shipping & Handling

    Vibrant Wellness Test Kits are Shipped in 3-5 business days and includes free return shipping instructions.

  • HIPPA Compliance Agreement

    All of your personal information, including the results of your report are processed through Verified HIPPA complient software provided by Vibrant America. 


    As a service provider, IMBTherapies does not maintian owndership of any personal medical records provided to our clients on any company computers or devices.


    You will always have the ability to sign in to a client portal and view your reports, or request a copy of your report be sent to you by contacting be sent to you in the case that you loose any of your documents.   

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